The game was released only in Japan on by Enterbrain.

Fire Emblem Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. During his first meeting with Merlon, Runan agrees to form an alliance with him to overthrow Codha, who took advantage of King Loffaru's disappearance to usurp the throne. Successor Afterwards, Runan and Enteh part ways once again, as she travels to the Temple of Water on a solo mission to rescue Neyfa. Once the Gerxel Church begins to terrorize the continent, King Bahanuke of Canaan declares war on it. Mayumi Hirota from Fire Emblem: Thracia 776 served as the character designer for the game. After Turn 4, if you want to transform her again, use the Ring of Salia in her inventory.
Tear Ring Saga Series Berwick Saga Lazberia Chronicle Chapter 174 ( English V 2.3) Topics Tear Ring Sagas, PS2, Fan Patched.